This sketch should really begin with William L. Dall, the
brother of C.C. Dall. Just prior to the discovery of gold in California,
the Pacific Mail Steamship Company was organized in New York in 1848. Three steamships were
fitted up to run on the Pacific Coast between Panama
and Astoria, Oregon
– the steamers Panama,
and Oregon. William L. Dall signed on to the Oregon as second officer, and arrived in California about April 1,
Wm. L. Dall, was captaining ships on the West Coast at least
as early as 1851. He is first noted with the Carolina from Panama to San
Francisco. (Daily
Alta California, December 13, 1851) His first voyage on the SS Columbia, was in 1852 to Oregon. (Daily Alta California, March 15, 1852)
The Columbia appeared to be his ship of choice
throughout most of the decade of the 1850’s. Wm. L Dall brought his wife,
infant and servant to California in October
1857, via Steamer Sonora. (Sacramento
Daily Union, October 2, 1857). I could find no record but C. C. Dall
arrived in San Francisco in the same year, and
possibly accompanied his sister-in-law to California, as he was the brother of W.L.
An advertisement documenting both Dall
brothers commanding their respective coastal route ships in 1857. (Daily Alta California, October 3, 1857)
Christopher Columbus Dall was a demanding captain, more than
once being harshly judged for his actions. One example of several events he endured,
notes. . . “We learn from the Oregon Times of July 31st, that Portland was the scene of
considerable confusion, bordering upon riot, on the 26th Ult. It
appears that Capt. C.C. Dall, of the Columbia, was arrested on a complaint for
mal-treatment of one of the hands on board the steamer; and after being fined
to the amount of $50 by the Recorder, made a narrow escape of passing through
the hands of Judge ‘Lynch’. – On coming out of the Recorder’s office, after the
trial (about dusk) Capt. D. found the ‘outside pressure’ pretty strong against
him – being saluted with hisses, howls, shouts, and a shower of substantials. Several shots were fired at him, but he
escaped to his ship uninjured. Several
of the citizens were more or less injured from the free circulation of rocks
and other missiles. One pistol ball pierced the coat of the Marshal. Several of
the alleged rioters were subsequently arrested, and bound over to court for
trial. (Pioneer and Democrat,
Olympia, Washington Territory, August 13, 1858)
His brother, W.L. Dall, while charged with the steamer Northerner, struck a rock near Cape Mendocino during a nasty storm. The ship was
eventually beached but 34 passengers lost their lives. By an ironic
coincidence, the steamer Columbia,
under the charge of C.C. Dall, was en route not far behind the Northerner, which rendered considerable
assistance to the tragedy that occurred. (The
Weekly Chicago Times, Feb 16, 1860, pg 2).
Among those who were lost was Daniel Webster Barry, the messenger for
Wells, Fargo & Company, and brother of Theodore Barry of the firm of Barry
& Patten.
It was reported that Capt. W.L. Dall had made over 200 voyages
over the previous decade with no problems. (The
Empire, Sydney, Australia, April 3, 1860, pg 3) Wrecking the Northerner must have shaken W.L. Dall considerably. Captain W.L. Dall made a couple more runs on
the coastal route, but retired from his captaincy in May 1860. He then became a
member of the Ophir Mining Company, acting as General Superintendent, and moved
to Virginia City, Nevada Territory. (Sacramento Daily Union, May 4, 1860) W.L. Dall died May 22, 1866, at his home town
of Rye, New
York. “Captain Dall had been afflicted for the last
few years with an obstinate and painful disease which baffled all medical
skill, and at last caused his death.” (Daily
Alta California, May 23, 1866.)
Captain C.C. Dall continued his charge of commanding
steamships along the western coast of North America.
Despite his long sojourns away from home, he and his wife, Martha Martin Dall, had eleven children, all born between 1856 and
The life of a marine captain was a notoriously dangerous
venture. Just as the loss of a steamer occurred with Captain W. L. Dall, his
brother Captain C. C. Dall experienced a similar tragedy a decade later. While
charged with the SS Continental, Dall
had left Mazatlan for San Francisco on September 29, 1870. “The
steamer was heavily freighted with salt, silver ore, coal, fruits, etc., and
encountering a heavy gale, sprung a leak, which gained upon the pumps until the
fires in the furnaces were put out, and ultimately compelled the abandonment of
the ship by officers, crew and passengers, all of whom were ultimately saved –
with the exception of a party of seven, who, through feat, refused to take to
the boats. Capt. Dall is severely
censured by the San Francisco
press for abandoning the poor fellows to their fate.” (Petaluma Weekly Argus, October 22, 1870)
Hardly missing a beat, Dall continued his San
Francisco to Mexico
schedule, this time on the Steamship Idaho, which was scheduled to leave San Francisco on October 22, 1870.
This was, however; the last run for the captain, and his name was no longer
associated with commanding ships in the newspapers. Two stellar reasons may be
given for Dall to exit the world of ship captain. First, he took considerable
heat from newspapers in accusations that he had abandoned his duties as ship
captain in not doing more to make everyone abandon the Continental even though they refused. Secondly, he had a near death
experience. With the perils of his job, and likely with strong urging from his
wife and family, it is quite possible that he was driven to pursue something
less life threatening. His obituary notes he. . . . “was compelled to give up
the sea on account of paralysis of the lower extremities.” (San Francisco Examiner, June 17, 1885)
This is questionable.
By June of 1871 Thomas Harris and C.C. Dall were advertising
Crystal Springs
as a resort destination for San
Francisco residents. (San Francisco Chronicle, June 15, 1871, pg 4). By September 1871
Harris had exited the partnership leaving Dall as the sole lessee of the Crystal
Springs Hotel, located about ten miles south of San Francisco.
advertisements included the name of Thomas Harris as a partner. This is the
first ad with Dall taking on the task of hosting the Crystal Springs
resort by himself. (Daily Alta California, September 4, 1871)
The Crystal Springs Hotel sat at the bottom of a verdant
elongated valley supplied with adequate water. The valley is actually a
geomorphic longitudinal “gouge’ in the landscape caused by the trace of the San Andreas Fault.
A sketch rendered by
the photographer/artist Edward Vischer is currently thought to be the only
known likeness of the Crystal Springs Hotel. (photo courtesy Redwood City Pulse, https://www.rwcpulse.com/)
While it provided an ideal respite for city dwellers the site
soon became a promising location for speculators to construct a dam that could
supply water for the ever growing population of San Francisco. Since Dall only had a lease on
the property he had no ability to stop progress. The property was sold and, all
the furniture, etc., of the Crystal
Springs Hotel was auctioned on Sep 3, 1874. (Times Gazette, Redwood City, California, August 22, 1874) And
finally, “The Crystal Springs Hotel has been razed to the ground” (Times Gazette, Redwood City, California,
February 6, 1875)
The loss of the Crystal Springs Hotel left Dall without a
job. Three of his sons had recently secured jobs at the San Francisco Mint
about this same time. It is not clear whether Dall first went to work at the
Mint in about 1877 or whether he organized his Columbia Soda Works first.
Regardless, both occurred nearly concurrently.
His son, C.C. Dall, jr., acted as bottler for the soda operation. C.C. Dall’s son, George Alfred Dall, was the
first Dall to work for the U.S. Mint. He is noted in the 1875 San Francisco directory as a clerk with the
Melter and Refiner’s Department of the U.S. Mint. C.C. Dall went to work for
the same department as a floor sweeper. While this sounds like a menial
occupation for a sea captain and resort operator, the job did carry some value.
The process of refining precious metals for use as coinage created some minor
losses which ended up on the floor. Dall’s job was to recover the valuable
material by sweeping the floor.

Francisco Examiner, October 22, 1878)
Apparently, Dall couldn’t resist recovering some of the floor
sweepings for himself, for which he got caught. The Daily Alta reported. . . .
“The detectives have recovered some seventeen ounces of sweepings alleged to
have been stolen from the Mint by C.C. Dall.” (Daily Alta California, October 5, 1878)
One newspaper gave an account of Dall’s version of what
happened with the “sweeping” incident. (Los
Angeles Herald, October 5, 1878)
Dall’s penalty for stealing some floor sweepings at the Mint
was not detailed in the newspapers. Whether he was charged with a penalty is
not known, however; the situation must have caused him considerable
embarrassment. C.C. Dall decided to move his soda water business across San Francisco Bay
to Oakland, where the Columbia Soda Works was
last listed in the 1880 Oakland
directory. By 1881 Dall had moved back
to his old San Francisco
residence at 733 Broadway Street,
and chose to define himself as a master mariner, but was long retired from that
profession. However; a brief three year business as a soda water bottler, with
his name embossed on the bottles, has clouded the impression of what C.C. Dall
actually did during his lifetime.
Captain Christopher Columbus Dall died in San Francisco on June 14, 1885, aged 54 years
A question remains why Dall decided to name his soda water
business the Columbia Soda Works. Yes, he had a connection with the U.S. Mint
since he and his sons worked there, as did he for a while, and a number of U.S. coins had the impression of a seated
goddess, Columbia.
We also, shouldn’t forget that one of the steamers he previously captained was
the Columbia. He may have also had a special
connection with that ship, that both he and his brother had commanded. The idea
of an embossed seated Liberty
on the reverse of his bottles could easily have been borrowed from the U.S.
Mint, as it was a common symbol on coins at the time he and his sons worked
there. It is doubtful we will ever have a clear picture of Dall’s thoughts on
this subject.
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