Obadiah Kendall
Levings was one of as many as fifteen children born to Abel Levings and Hannah
Marshall. Born in New Hampshire
on November 25, 1812, his earliest life is not well documented. One record from
the Lancaster School
in Lancaster, New Hampshire, documents him at this
preparatory school in 1832. While he consistently maintained he was a doctor,
there is no record of Levings receiving a formal medical degree.
He married Jane
Bleazard in Gore, Ontario, Canada
in 1843. He stayed in Canada
at least until his only son, John Kendall Levings, was born there about 1845.
By 1850 he was living with his family in the house of his father-in-law, Robert
Bleazard, at Whitestown, Oneida,
New York (later renamed
Levings arrived in California
as early as late 1850. While his mind was obviously on the golden riches of the earth he didn’t let go of his dream of
becoming a wealthy patent medicine maker. From January to February of 1851 he
WILLOW, in Sacramento, which he claimed was made
in New York City. It s true that the 1850 New York City directory notes a Levings &
Co., druggists, at 515 Broome Street. He may have concocted his medicines the
year prior to leaving for California,
and possibly brought a shipment with him to fund his initial existence in the
golden state. The advertisement notes his products may be purchased at the drug
store of P. & S.S. Crane in Sacramento.
No embossed bottles from this early date have yet to be found.
Levings' early ad which ran in the Sacramento newspaper for a few months in 1851. (Sacramento Transcript, January 9 1851)
By 1852 his name became prominently connected with the new
settlement of Gold Hill, in the vicinity of Auburn Ravine, Placer County, California.
That he was actively mining for gold in this region is documented by a
newspaper article noting that Dr. Levings had found a gold nugget of nine
ounces at Gold Hill. (Placer Herald,
Auburn, California, January 29, 1853.)
Shortly thereafter, several Sierran towns began running an
advertisement attempting to find the whereabouts of O.K. Levings.
The significance of the ad and the effort to locate Levings
is not entirely clear, however, aside from the obvious that his family back in New York was attempting to determine if he was still
alive, I am also surmising that they may be contemplating joining him in California. In an
unusual twist of events O.K. Levings sued his wife for divorce on July 20,
1861. It is, of course, speculation, but it may be a case of his wife, Jane
Levings, not desiring to join Levings in California.
She continued to live in New York with her
widowed father, and died in Whitesboro, New York
on July 28, 1887.
There is good documentation that his son, John Kendall
Levings, did come to California,
but the date remains elusive. He is noted as joining the army on Aug 12, 1863,
in Gold Hill, Nevada, in Company L, 1st Battalion, Nevada Calvary.
He was mustered in at Fort Churchill,
Nevada, and was mustered out
there on November 18, 1865. He re-enlisted December 17, 1866 and was discharged
October 15, 1869. His former occupation was listed as a miner.
O.K. Levings continued with his residency in Gold Hill, California,
working as a miner and investing in water supply projects for gold extraction,
with mixed success. In 1863 he was forced into bankruptcy as an insolvent.
(Placer Herald, Auburn, California, August 29, 1863). By 1870 he had moved to San Francisco, and again, advertised himself as a doctor
and began pushing his Hoarhound and Elecampane medicine, noting that it was “formerly put up in the city of New York by Dr. Levings.”
(Stockton Independent, April 28,
1870). And, by 1872, he had also resurrected his Sarsaparilla and Rose Willow
for sale. (San Jose Weekly Mercury,
January 4, 1872) Based on the length of
time Levings’ advertising campaign lasted, he again, stopped selling his
products about 1875. In fact the 1875 San
Francisco business directory notes his occupation as a
“whitener” for the Pacific Furniture Manufacturing Company. It appears that
Levings’ interest in mining soon returned to top billing as the 1878 voting
register for San Francisco
confirmed that his occupation was once again a “miner”. By 1880 Levings had
returned to Placer County where he was scheduled as a “laborer” within
the communities of Damascus
and Iowa Hill. He apparently stayed in this vicinity for a number of years,
working at odd jobs and prospecting for the next big strike.

Examples of Levings’ earliest bottles are typical of those
blown in San Francisco
during the early 1870’s. All appear to have applied tops and exhibit some
Just as with his Hoarhound and Elecampane bottles, the
Sarsaparilla and Rose Willow bottles show a fair amount of crudity, typical for
the period.
It is clear that by 1891 Levings had been residing at the
county hospital in Stockton
for an indeterminate time. This was likely the Stockton Insane Asylum, as there
would be no other reason for Levings to travel from Auburn
to Stockton to
seek medical help unless it was a mental matter. Many of its cases involved
alcoholism which is probably the affliction for which he was treated. It is at this time his name is noted in the
Placer County Grand Jury report when it investigated a complaint by Levings
that he had been mistreated during his residence at the hospital. An
investigation proceeded with the determination that there was no basis for the
claim and it was dismissed. (Placer Argus,
November 20, 1891)
In 1892 the 80-year old Levings again returned to San Francisco with the
title of “doctor”. He promptly began selling his same two medicinal products
that he relied upon when the excitement of prospecting and mining didn’t pay
the bills. He saturated the greater Bay Area newspapers with ads for his syrup
of hoarhound and his sarsaparilla – this time until December 1895. He
trademarked his brands with the State of California
under registration number 2163 on July 18, 1892. Shortly thereafter, Levings
moved to San Bernardino
City, presumably to be
closer to his son, where he registered to vote, on October 18, 1894.
Levings trade marked
label as deposited with the State of California
in 1892. His registration noted that the words SYRUP OF HOARHOUND AND
During this time period Levings dusted off the old molds
from when the same bottles were blown in the 1870’s. The bottles blown from these
molds in the 1890’s have a decidedly different appearance in the quality of the
glass. They are less crude than their 1870’s counterparts and all have tooled
tops instead of the earlier applied version. The glass is generally a lighter
aqua and has a tendency to stain easier. They are visually much different than
the earlier variants, and quite typical of bottles blown in the 1890’s.
An example of one of Levings' ad that he used in the second round of pushing his medicines - and actually the third if one counts his first attempt in 1851. This time he advertised until the end of 1894. (San Jose Herald, 19 October 1892).
The real mystery in his life came in 1894, when a small news
article noted he made one final prospecting trip in hopes of finding the “big
one”, but this time in the desert.
The last known
prospecting trip for Obadiah K. Levings. After this date Levings seems to have
disappeared. No more references could be found (San Bernardino Sun, September
5, 1894), except for his voting registration about a month later. We must
assume then, that he did return from his trip.
Making this story even more intriguing is the fact that
Levings son, John K. Levings, had moved to San
Bernardino County by
1876, and was living in San
Bernardino City
about this time. His occupation was usually listed as a farmer or laborer.
Approximately six months after his father went on his mining exploration, John
did the same thing.
John Levings
eventually left San Bernardino for San Diego in 1900, giving up any further
interest he had in mining. Unlike his father who just seems to have
disappeared, John Levings, died in San
Diego on March 17, 1929.
Being born in 1812, it is highly unlikely that O.K Levings
lived into the 20th century. It would have been helpful to have
found his death date, but the real story about his penchant for being a
successful patent medicine dealer and his unlikely quest for the big strike,
had already unfolded in his earlier years. And, now it becomes much clearer why
his patent medicine bottles appear to have
been made over a long period of time, when in reality, they were blown
within two distinct time periods – the early 1870’s and the early 1890’s.