2014 49er Historic Bottle Show a Success!
The Roseville Show was a great success - Jerry Forbes
Good show that was well attended. I was surprised by the number of people compared with last year. I saw a good number of sales so there should be a lot of happy sellers. I am having some photo issues on my computer so will pull a few directly off my camera.
The first is the table of Jeff Wichmann. You would think he was giving away bottles as it was jammed with potential buyers for a good while. I don’t even know what was so great because I couldn’t breach the crowd. That is Jeff, himself, on the right side, who could not even get to his own table!
The second photo is a major display of unembossed whiskey bottles except for the base markings which included a central ray generally described as a “star”. Max Bell put this together but It had a number of contributors and is a sort of esoteric collecting specialty in the West as a good number – maybe all – of these bottles have been attributed to the San Francisco glass houses.
The third photo is a nicely lighted display of colognes included some “swirled” glass.
Eric M. (McGuire)
This year’s show had some very interesting and exciting bottles appear on tables for sale, including an American Life Bitters (Omaha, Neb.), St.,Nicholas Stomach Bitters (small size), Dr. Henley’ s Eye Opener, Cassin’s Grape Brandy Bitters, Alex Von Humboldt’ s Stomach Bitters, New Almaden Vichy Water (large size), E.G Booze Cabin Whiskey, Kelly’s Old Cabin Bitters, Holtzerman’ s Stomach Bitters (two roof), Bryant’ s Stomach Bitters (both cone & leg variants). A lot of bottles exchanged owners during this show! A very memorable show for me.
Warren Friedrich
Congratulations to show chair Mike McKillop, club president Max Bell and the 49er club.
Thanks to Eric McGuire, Warren Friedrich, Jerry Forbes and Peachridge Glass for the pictures and review of the show - rs -