Saturday, March 31, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Crown of Science
Here is an ad from the Salt Lake Tribune - Feb 21, 1875
Utah diggers have found 5 or 6 of these very cool San Francisco hair bottles over the years in and around SLC and in the mining camps. Another small mining district "Copper Mtn", right on the Nevada/Utah border has produced 4 additional intact examples. One cabin of miners must have had a hair problem...
Shoot-out Update – FOHBC Reno Expo 2012

28 July 2012
A major, Antique Bottle and Glass, judged shoot-out will occur at the FOHBC Reno Expo 2012. The event will be sponsored by a major Auction House (Norman C. Heckler). This will be landmark chance to see many great examples together in one event which rarely happens. A cocktail event will occur simultaneously.
Rules are as follows:
1. All bottles will be displayed at the same time in a secure display showcase.
2. Displayer name will be on a sticker placed on the bottom of displayers bottle(s). Up to two bottles per displayer in each category will be allowed.
3. Bottles must be signed in starting at 5:45 pm. Sign in will finish at 6:30 pm. Judging will be at 7:00 pm.
4. A separate panel of three judges will be used for each of the primary categories.
5. Security will be provided. Only the person who signed the bottle in will be able to remove it from the display area.
6. Winners will receive an award and recognition in Bottles & Extras magazine and on theFOHBC web site.
7. Categories to be displayed and judged.
A. Drakes Plantation Bitters (4 log , 6 log and Arabesque)
B. J H Cutter Whiskey (#43 in Thomas Whiskey Book, Sole Agent, plain reverse)
C. Umbrella Inks (pontiled base, smooth base)
8. The event will be photographed, documented and represented in Bottles and Extrasand the FOHBC web site.
The Shoot will occur on Saturday Evening after the days show. The area will open at 5:45 pm. Tickets will be required. Attendees and Guests automatically include Reno Expo Show Dealers, Displayers, Seminar presenters, FOHBC members from current membership list (join on the spot for admittance) and friends of the Shoot-out Sponsors. Tickets to be provided and will be needed at event room door.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Colored Western Hair Bottles

There are not very many western hair bottles in color. Here are three of the earliest colored examples. The Fish's is well known, and documented as well as quite rare. These date from about 1864. There are no other bottles quite like them in regards to mold type, and they represent western glass history at it's finest.
The Henley's Indian Queen is also quite early and date to the 1869-73 time frame. This product must not have been a big seller as there are less than 10 in collections. They come in both blue and green colorations, and have been found exclusively in Oregon and California. I am not aware of any examples being found in other western states. I have also not seen any advertising for this product.
The Tilton's is a bit later ( mid 1870s) and was put out by Dr. Joseph Tilton of San Francisco. he was "physician" there from 1874 through 1889. The words " Crown of Science" and "The Great Hair Producer" were registered in 1874. These bottles come in both blue, and occasionally aqua. I believe there are about 25-30 in collections, and they have been dug in California and Oregon.
There are a few other western hair bottles in color such as the St.Clair's Hair Lotion, and the Fountain of Youth, which may or may not be western.
Hair bottles are a category of their own, and represent some of the most colorful glass ever blown. There are comparatively few western colored hair's than from other parts of the US. I believe they were blown in brilliant colors to avoid being ingested accidentally.
I want to thank Don Fadely for his exhaustive research and study of these beautiful pieces of history.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Friday & Saturday March 23th & 24th
The San Luis Obispo Bottle Society’s 44th Annual Show and Sale
Friday 1:00 pm to 6: 00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
at the Morro Bay Veterans Hall
209 Surf Street, Morro Bay, California
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Just think...
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
San Francisco Ink
Monday, March 5, 2012
Joseph Melczer cigarette holder
Sunday, March 4, 2012
March 9th & 10th,
Chico, California!
Silver Dollar Fairgrounds
Friday 10 - 7 $5~ admission
Saturday 9 - 4 Free admission
Info; Randy Taylor