Sunday, January 8, 2012

Justin Gates - Oil of Gladness

Large & small OIL OF GLADNESS
Here's one of my favotite Justin Gate's bottles, the OIL OF GLADNESS. The Oil of Gladness is one of just a handful of western medicines that is embossed on all four panels. The front panel is embossed Oil Of Gladness with Justin Gates, Sacramento and Dr. Lepper's embossed on the other three.
This bottle comes in two sizes the common (sort of) five inch tall variant and the extremely rare five and one half inch tall bottle. Both varaiants have the applied top and come in shades of "western" aqua.
I am lucky enough to have both variants of the Dr. Lepper's Oil of Gladness from Sacramento's JUSTIN GATES
Happy New Year to all of our bottle collecting community - rs
Justin Gates