This was one of my better Whiskey holes that I dug with Angleo a.k.a. the Godfather in 1979, it had seventeen embossed Western 5ths. Persistence pays off and it certainly did on this dig. Late in the day after a probe-a-thon we located and dug into what we thought was a dud. At two feet down I uncovered a machine made clear junker 5th. We had been digging at another site all day and decided to fill it, to new it seemed. There were lots of places to dig back then so we thought no sense wasting time on newer stuff like that. Besides that we had alreday dug a vintage hole in the same yard. Almost a year later while digging in the same area and finishing early I suggested we go back and dig the pit out we had found months ago and hope for a few milks, was I ever in for a surprise. We dug down past where we stopped prior and then another couple more feet down through a totally clean plug layer. As I was digging I could probe ahead and feel a very crammed fluffy layer coming up that I was only inches away from. As I broke though the plug and into the fluff I brushed away the dirt with my glove and was greeted by bases. sides and necks of 5ths! It was a log-jam for the next 3 feet of mostly all whiskies and numerous busted ones.
5 - Davy Crockett's.
1 - A. Fenkhausen.
1 - Old Gilt Edge Sole Agents, clear full face embossing, e.r.
2 - Old Gilt Edge Sole Agents. red hammer whittled & applied, wow.
1- Standard Old Bourbon
3 - Louis Taussig, clear & applied.
1 - Kellogg's
1 - Roth & Co, red whittled.
2 - Castle Old Bourbons
Has anyone one ever thought of combining the two sites into one Western bottle site????????????
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ReplyDeleteWow! Has to be one of the top 10 western fifth digs of all time. Right up there next to the Tommy Walker & Lane Puckett whiskeyrama!
ReplyDeleteSimply killer! Thanks for sharing(G.P., not the anonymous boner man). I love bottles too, but not in a sexual way.
~J.F. Cutter Extra
Great pictures is that Angelo T.
ReplyDeleteThe Godfather has to be the one on the right. I think I recognize the Wizard of Oz Cowardly Lion guy on the left. :-)
ReplyDeleteGoes to show you that every hole must be dug! Just think, such an exciting experience could have been lost if that hole wasn't revisited or property conditions had changed in the meantime. I haven't been lucky enough to see a machiner hole transform into anything much more exciting than common toolies, but stories like this can keep your hopes up!
Ah, the memories. My old digging pal, and best man at our wedding back in 1975 (the one that adhered the accelerator petal on my '71 Land Cruiser to the floorboard and as such created the slowest honeymoon getaway in recorded history, but I digress) cut a wide swath in the South Bay during the good old days.
ReplyDeleteWe dug a 4 holer on Washington St. in San Jose around 1970. The top couple of feet, after we busted through the asphalt, was a combination of corncobs, and (shall we say, feminine hygiene products) that obviously didn't date to the ca. 1880's boarding house. The next couple of feet were blessed with another layer of slightly older "memorabilia". But Mr. probe didn't (doesn't) lie. As such, we "dug on".
No whiskies, but the abundance of "neat stuff" pulled from depths from four to fourteen feet still rings a familiar bell after all these years.
Wished we'd taken pictures like some of the other gang did. Now that I think of it, I wished I'd taken photos of the, as an old pal calls it, the "Old Figment" shard that I dug at Sutro. If wishes were horses..............
Log-jammer in logging country... "Gilty" on all charges !! Haha
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ReplyDeleteCome on Boner-man, find another site to play on. Pleazzz