Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Bitters on Ebay

Over yonder on the Western Globtop Whiskey blog they have been blowing off about the selection of western fifths available on ebay. Selection - heck, there's 4 bottles available to bid on for the applied top crowd, that's it.
Looking to buy some bottles..... Just type in BITTERS in the search tab under the heading of bottles & insulators (antique pre 1900) on your ebay page and up pops:

13 Hostetter's in various shades of brown

3 Lash's Kidney & Liver Bitters

1 Yerba Buena

1 California Fig Bitters

1 Pond's

2 Walker's Vinegar Bitters

1 Damiana Bitters

and no less than 13 of those western distributed Drakes Plantation Bitters......

Now that's selection !!!!


  1. Great selection is right. But just know your seller, as some of the sellers are not really the best at describing or showing pics of the damage.......Andy

  2. Those poor ole toolie whiskeys get no respect !

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sure they do!

    Here's a link to a veritable shrine paying homage to the much maligned tool top western whiskey~
