Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dr Thomas Hall's Trade Card

Dr. Thomas Hall's California Pepsin Wine Bitters is a not so common bottle, but the trade cards from the early 1870s are very scarce. I happened on this one in a book where it had been stashed years ago. A humorous bit of advertising.PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket


  1. OldCutters,
    Really good stuff you are posting,the info on Asher Taylor blew me away.

  2. Old Cutters,
    The Hall's California Pepsin Wine Bitters example in collection, used to be my bottle, it is the example that is pictured in Wilson's Western Bitters book. I believe that it is the finest example known, the letters are very crude and the bottle exhibits nice characteristics with nice crude applied top. I've had a couple of examples, but that one is the best I've ever come across. It's interesting that this bitters comes in tool tops as well, but they usually do not have the crudity to them. I enjoyed owning that bottle in my first western bitters collection.

  3. Don't you recall, Warren, I got that jug from you. It was sometime in the early '90s.

  4. OldCutters,
    I don't know about the others viewing your post but I am about to go crazy wondering whats in those boxes underneath the Dr. Thomas Hall's.
